Success News You Can Use, High-Heeled Success® Newsletter - November/December, 2018

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November/December, 2018  

November/December Newsletter

Lead Article

Obama vs. Sandburg:  Embracing Both Perspectives

Kay Fittes, December, 2018

Following a recent interview with Michelle Obama regarding her new memoir, “Becoming,” there was a news cycle firestorm regarding her comments on the ‘Lean In’ movement that began when Sheryl Sandberg authored the book with the same title. 

What struck me most about the controversy was the intense backlash surrounding who is right and who is wrong – Sheryl Sandberg or Michelle Obama.

Unfortunately, this is a reflection of the all or nothing thinking that typically permeates the human condition, yet is exacerbated by our polarization around every issue these days.  As politics becomes more polarized, we see the same intense approach to taking sides in every segment of our society.

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Back by popular demand,
High-Heeled Success, LLC is repeating our new
virtual GROUP training course
from February 7, 2019 to March 14, 2019.

Virtual Group Coaching

Kay’s Consulting Corner

Kay Fittes

Each month in this section, Kay offers actionable career consulting tips.

Finding the right time

  1. When you discover there’s an opportunity for you at work and you’re considering your options, the first question to ask yourself would be, “Is this a good time to push forward?” Be honest about assessing your current situation and your energy level.  If the answer is no, give yourself a break.

  2. When the time is right and it’s realistic to push forward, identify two or three opportunities to advance your own voice as a leader.  As an example, when the need is about having a voice, you need to be well-prepared for every meeting.  Plan ahead to make sure you have a valuable comment or two to make in every staff or leadership team meeting, whenever you have an opportunity.

  3. Identify one advancement opportunity that you want in your workplace – something that you do not currently have – then negotiate for it!  Along this path, remember that it’s a good idea to engage a manager or mentor in your plan to achieve your goal.  As an example, you might identify the creation of a women’s group or initiative as an area that you can take a stronger hand in leadership, find other women to support you and support each other.

If you haven’t found your stride or you are ready to make a career push, let me guide you in some next steps.  Please call me at 513-561-4288 or email me at

Virtual Group Coaching Client Testimonials


“The group coaching provided a network of professionals which we learned from and supported each other.  Through Kay’s guidance, I discovered the importance of networking, identifying areas of expertise in myself and others, slowing down, listening & observing.  Group coaching has equipped me to use my passion in a more effective way.”
Beth Savchick
Early Childhood Education Trainer & Quality Coach

“The Virtual Coaching Program was amazing!!!  I thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t believe how quickly the six weeks went by!  I felt honored to be a part of this inaugural program and interact with a dynamic group of ladies whose insight and feedback provided additional value to the program.  I loved the themes that challenged me to learn and grow each week.  The individual and on-the-spot coaching was priceless.  I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in taking their professional career to the next level.”
Karen Isaccs
Business Consultant at Anthem

Dress for Success

High-Heeled Success® supports Dress for Success through donations of clothing, time and money.  We offer complimentary seats at every workshop for women participating in the Dress for Success program.


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