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Kay Fittes is a “voice” for women in overcoming disadvantages to their workplace success.  Ms. Fittes is a frequent contributor in print, radio, podcasts and television.

Kay is available for interviews in all media.  Call (513) 561-4288 or email her at

Check out what she has to say in the following video interviews, audio interviews, and articles.

Video Interviews Audio Interviews Articles


Cincinnati Business Courier

Here’s how Cincinnati women can overcome career fear

Do more women than men fear success in the workplace?  Absolutely.  One of the contributing factors is how we are taught to view fear in childhood.  Despite 50-plus years of being in the workforce, in 2018, girls are still taught that fear is a signal to stop.
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3 ways to tell if you need assertiveness training

While a woman can dress professionally, wear the right shoes and jewelry and use the correct power gestures in meetings, she sabotages herself when her appearance and verbal communications are diametrically opposed.
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3 steps to master dynamic delivery

Successful women in the workplace have mastered a unique skill that sets them apart from their peers.  And what is that skill?
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Shutting down workplace bullying

Many women experience workplace bullying during in their careers: an employee, peer or even a boss you puts you down, criticizes you in meetings or sabotages your success.
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3 tips to power up your speech

Women’s communication style, vocabulary and delivery can sometimes project uncertainty rather than confidence.  Here are a few pointers to put strength behind your words.
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Women Reap What They Sow in Their Careers

When the National Association of Female Executives publishes the annual Top 30 Companies for Executive Women survey, it highlights information such as women friendly cultures, leadership programs for women and the percentage of women in the top ranks.  Those characteristics are indications of good soil.  How’s yours?

When Success Knocks, Do You Self-Sabotage?

You’ve worked incredibly hard.  You’ve stayed late at night, toiled weekends and sacrificed personal time to reach your career goals.  Now the payoff is around the corner.  You are being promoted.  Initially you are thrilled, affirmed and excited.  As the promotion gets closer, however, you begin to feel anxious.  The anxiety builds… You have run head long into success anxiety.

You Can Be Roadblock to Your Own Success

How would you react if I suggested you forget the “glass ceiling”?  Depends.  If you are a woman desperately trying to break through that barrier, you probably want to hunt me down and stone me.  If you are consciously or even unconsciously one of the obstacles to women’s success, you might be saying “hooray”.  You should not really forget the glass ceiling.  Continue the good fight for a place at the boardroom table.  At the same time, ask yourself what you are doing to sabotage your own success.
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High-Heeled Success founder teaches women how to conquer business world

BLUE ASH - The “glass ceiling” describes an invisible barrier that keeps women from reaching the highest echelons of the business world despite their qualifications.  The phrase originated in 1979 after feminists prompted millions of young women to pursue jobs that had been off-limits to their mothers.

While Kay Fittes of High-Heeled Success agrees the glass ceiling still exists, she believes some women must shatter some internal glass ceilings first.
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Promoted, or Passed Over?  Women Who Overcome Fear Can Create Courageous Careers

Despite 50-plus years of being in the workforce, in 2018, girls are still taught that fear is a signal to stop.  Boys, on the other hand, are taught to power through their fear.
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Note this article also appeared in the June 16, 2018 print editions of the Northeast and Southeast Hometown Enquirer sections.

Women in the workplace:  3 red flags that indicate you need assertiveness training

Whether you work in corporate America or own your own business, it’s an uphill battle for women in the workplace today.  If women are not assertive, they’re not respected, paid well or receive the perks they want and deserve.
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Presentation skills help women advance careers

Women in the workplace sometimes find it difficult to get the recognition and promotions they deserve.

While women make up almost half of the workplace, they still earn 80 percent of what men make, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.
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Seven ways women can stop being bullied at work

Let’s face it, ladies: women are sometimes bullied at work.  Many women have had the unpleasant experience of having an employee, boss, or peer put them down, criticize them unfairly in meetings or sabotage their successes.
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Cincy Chic

High-Heeled Success Workshop

What you learned at your mother’s knee might be putting you at a disadvantage in the workplace, so one local expert explains how you can “Kick Conflict to the Curb.”
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High-Heeled Success

A local lady who specializes in motivational speaking and career coaching recently wrote a book and launched a new retreat and workshop series.  Slip on a pair of power pumps and keep reading to learn more!
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Chic Spotlight: Keynote Speaker, Author Kay Fittes

Cincy Chic:Why did you start Strategies for Women’s Growth back in 1990?

Kay Fittes: Passion and growth!  Working in the mental health field, I periodically had the opportunity to speak, train and facilitate with all-female groups.
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Relax at the office? It’s easier than you think!

Relaxing at the workplace may seem like an oxymoron, but with CincyChic’s 10 quick and easy stress busters, the words “relax” and “career” will no longer be at odds.

Put Time on Your Side

Death is bad for one’s career!  But step-by-step many of you are killing yourselves in your quest to balance work and home.  How did we get in such a pickle?
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AdvantEdge Magazine

Unlearning the Lessons Mom Taught You

Ask a woman to rattle off several “Momisms”.  She’ll comply with pronouncements like: “Never leave the house without clean underwear on; you never know when you might be in an accident.”  “A lady doesn’t play in the mud.”  “This car doesn’t leave the driveway until your seat belt is buckled.”  The good news about these previous pearls of wisdom is they won’t derail your career.  However, there are many more lessons we learned at our mother’s knee that can wreak havoc on our workplace behavior.

Men, Women, and Power

Men and women frequently define power differently and with women leaving to start their own businesses in droves, it would behoove corporate America to understand how power is perceived.

Society of Home-Based Business Owners

Are You Running a Business or Do You Have a Hobby?

“Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”  Profound words from Thomas Huxley.  Now that’s discipline!  Discipline is a strong foundation for a successful business.  What else characterizes a business versus a hobby?

Create Credibility, Confidence, and Clout by Looking the Part of a Successful Entrepreneur

Kate White, former editor of Glamour Magazine and author of Why Good Girls Don’t Get Ahead but Gutsy Girls Do says, “Do you look like you deserve to be a member of the club?”  If you are going to play in the big leagues in your business, it’s critical to look the part.

Succeeding One Task at a Time

“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”  These are profound words from author Kelly Ann Rothaus.  Sounds like a fundamental prescription for success, right?  Yet, I would bet big bucks that you have bragged at some point about your ability to multi-task.
